Listen for the Whisper

Judith Heaney
2 min readJul 7, 2019


One of the things I’m learning through this daily writing and posting challenge I’ve set before myself is that my creativity depends on how careful I am to create space for my ideas, my writing and myself. I’ve come to realize in recent months that I am not as good as I would like to be at making time for myself or my creativity.

photo credit: Johannes Plenio on Pixabay

In fact, that’s partly what I’m addressing through these daily writing moments — creating time and space for me. It doesn’t have to be several hours worth of time, but it has to be a carefully curated time. It has to be time dedicated to and fiercely protected by me for the sole purpose of sitting with ideas and inviting creativity to join me.

As I pursue this project of creativity, I’ve begun considering what I want this time to look like. Obviously, like creativity itself, is a certain fluidity to it. Even so, I want to provide myself some boundaries in order to create freedom.

Here are some things this time should not be:

  • perfectly or necessarily productive;
  • hurried;
  • forced;
  • pigeonholed;
  • drudgery;
  • inflexible;
  • easily sacrificed.
photo credit: Aleksey Kutsar on Pixabay

Here are some things I’d like this time to be:

  • delightful;
  • dedicated to finding the sacred in creating something;
  • a priority;
  • a celebration;
  • a safe space in which to try out ideas;
  • a sojourn through the unknown;
  • fearless;
  • a bold declaration that I matter;
  • playful;
  • a time of wonder.

As a grown up, I believe I’ve lost some of the wonder and delight life invites each of us to enjoy each day. Busyness abounds in the form of appointments and chores and other things that vie for my attention. Because of this, I’ve developed a tunnel vision focus that leaves little room for creativity to speak or be heard.

Let’s see what happens when I take time to sit in the presence of God and invite Him to share His creative self with me. Let’s see what happens when I create space for the sacred and for wonder and open myself to delight. Let’s see what happens when I choose to show up because I believe I matter and I was created for such a time as this.

Let’s see what happens.



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