Reframe Your Creativity
Do you know that feeling when you wake in the morning and the day stretches before you in endless possibility? Your mind quickly catalogues all the things you’re going to get done in the hours ahead.
The creative whispers beckon and you anticipate the project, the words, the ideas you’re going to get on the page today or how it will take shape.
Your feet hit the floor and you sit serenely in silence with God. You read His word, you pray, you seek His face.
And, then, life kicks in and you’re running at full speed and all those plans are still only plans, left behind in your quiet time, whispering their invitation to you.
You yearn to respond and to show up. But life is happening all around you.
If this is you, take a deep breath and listen.
It’s time to reframe your day, your time, and what you’ve done with the time you were given.
For me, I didn’t create the story I’d hoped to. But I did create quality time with my family. I created memories. I created joy and determination and courage. I did this at the pool under a beautiful blue sky dotted with white puffs of clouds. I did this amidst the laughter of my 11-year-old and my 9-year-old. I did this with splashing and floating and swimming and showing up — being present.
Today, my 11-year-old jumped into the pool and under the water for the first time.
Today, my 9-year-old found the courage to jump into the shallow end of the pool without her pool noodle.
Today, I watched my girls take on life in new ways and I was thrilled for them and proud of them and grateful to be where I was, with them and creating memories that will help empower them for bigger things to come.
If your day turned out differently than the one you saw when you woke up this morning, it’s okay, friends.
I believe we are all created to create and sometimes the things we create are time with friends, memories with our kids, hope for someone who needs it, a meal for our family, an experience to bring us closer to our spouse.
Creating isn’t only about art or writing or music. It’s about beauty, joy, hope, meals, quilts, knitted sweaters, doll clothes, baby food for our sweet babe.
Don’t sell yourself short, friends.
You were made for good works only you can do and you were created for such a time as this. What you’ve done today matters. Take a moment and breathe that in and give thanks for today.
I’ll see you back here tomorrow.