Amidst Creativity
I have a question for you. What did you do today? Did you do what you were designed to do? Or did you do what feels like a million little things that needed to be done but kept you from doing the project tugging on your heart?
Did you take time to follow your creativity in whatever form it may have shown up to invite you to come and play? Or did busyness get in the way?
I don’t know about you, but far too often I never get to the thing I want to do. The project that speaks to me deep in my soul. It’s there and it calls out to me. But I am distracted, too busy to respond.
Or perhaps I am simply in the midst.
In the midst of living out my life, a life filled with joy and despair, hope and fear, love and frustration, beauty and chaos, hurt and hope. Even so, it is mine. This is my one life. These are the days I have been given.
How then shall I live?
Shall I live in fear? In despair? In chaos? In busyness? In retreat from my God-given life and dream? Or shall I live in pursuit of Him and the good works for which He created me? Shall I pursue creativity and writing and beauty and goodness?
It can seem life is nothing more than a daily struggle with little room for things like creativity, passions, dreams, or visions, but really it is all simply a living in the midst. We are sojourners in the midst of a journey, in the midst of chaos and beauty, in the midst of God’s creation.
Living in the midst is as much about rest and renewal, two things creativity provides us, but too often we treat the gifts, dreams, and desires of our hearts as if they only come after the day’s required chores and To Do lists. But I don’t think that’s how God intended us to live.
I believe God plants desires in our hearts to align with His so we can live a life reflecting and glorifying Him. I believe God invites us to create with Him through the passions and dreams He nurtures in us if we let Him.
Yes, we live in the midst of a messy and broken world filled with pain and struggle and heartbreak. But we also live in the midst of a world of beauty and hope and community and it is through creativity we are able to truly connect our lives with those around us.
As you live out your life in the midst today, how then shall you live?